Prepare a candidate statement for the Hampden Park Co-op Membership that considers the following questions and other qualities you would like to highlight. Please write your answer in the form to the left.

  • What interests you about being a board member?

  • What knowledge, skills and experience do you have which would be helpful to the board?

  • What short term and long term ideas and vision do you have for the co-op over the next year and next five years?

  • How could Hampden Park Co-op better serve its members?


I declare that I am a candidate for the Hampden Park Co-op Board of Directors. I recognize that as a director I will have a fiduciary responsibility to the membership to act in an informed and prudent manner, and that I may be held personally liable if I do not. I recognize that as a director I will have a duty to represent the membership at large and to act in their best interest. I have read the application materials and understand that serving as a director requires that I:

  1. Prepare for and attend board and membership meetings regularly,

  2. Attend any board training sessions,

  3. Become familiar with the co-op’s bylaws, policies and financial statements,

  4. Regularly participate and respond to board communication. The primary mode of communication is currently email.

I qualify to serve as a director in that I am currently a member of Hampden Park Co-op. I declare that as a potential member of the Hampden Park Board of Directors, there are no conflicts of interest from which I could financially gain.

Please sign and date the application.